Day 2: The Day I Don’t Want To Get Up…
...but is it my cold?  Or is it Whole 30??? I was having a conversation with Matt last night - about Whole 30.  And expectations in the first week.  And how the next couple of days are going to be rough.  And he says, "At least you don't have a cold to mask all those fun things!"  Alas, I do have a cold.  It's been coming on for well over a week now.  When I first wake up, I actually feel pretty good.  And like, as soon as I move the headache kicks in.  So for the past week, I've been waking up, dropping my BP meds, and promptly following that up with some ibuprofen. Cut to today.  Pretty much the same situation.  I took the girls to school, came up, and crawled into bed because it Just.  Felt.  Right.  But then I knew I had to get up and work.  You know, that pesky thing called a job that is going to get me through the next 10 years of college tuition.  So I got up, prepped my workspace, and then threw some home made sausage into a pan, followed by some cubed butternut squash. As I ate, I began to actually feel better.  I don't know if it is because I was eating something other than a English Muffin dripping in butter (my go to breakfast for the last...who knows HOW long???)  My headeach isn't completely gone, but I ate, I am satiated, and feeling a bit better. YAY ME! Now where's that ibuprofen...

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