Run For Your Life
All in LineSo I signed up for the 5k at my kids' school.  It is 10 weeks away. TEN WEEKS!!! So I'm GOING to complete a C25K program.  I MUST!  I came in last in 2013 at the same 5k.  I walked most of it.  I don't want to walk most of it.  My goal is to run at least half. Right now, I am searching for headphones.  I usually use the earbuds that came with my phone.  But I think running might be easier without wires.  So I'm looking at Bluetooth. And I am looking at ways to make training easier - more streamlined.  Apps.  Programs.  Calendar.  Can't quite find what fits.  I have Ease into 5K.  I am also contemplating C25K: Couch to 5k.  I think I will have to keep trying the App I have and see if that doesn't work.  At the very least, I want to beat last years time and run more than I did last year.

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