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It's really interesting to me to see where things go and from where they came.
I have another sleepy blog called Food Loves Company and I accidentally stumbled on it the other day. It was a joint collaboration and I reached out to my friend Angela who thought it might be a good idea, or at least kind of fun, if we revived it.
But in all of that, I discovered a number of other blogs, including a self-hosted blog that seems to be a little troublesome at the moment. These include The Beatnik Neatnik, where I had hoped to rediscover myself as a truly organized being. (That's comedy gold right there!). It also included Coffee Is My Kryptonite - my latest blogging venture which has been hibernating since April - when I was almost done with my first ever Whole30. And of course, the self-hosted Thinkin' Guruvee - which simply had some thoughts and musings from various times when I felt inspired to write. It also included this lovely spot - noms 'n' knits.
Now you may be wondering why I didn't create links to all of these - and I'll tell you. It's because I actually combined them all to this one blog. You'll notice that there are a ton of posts now. Including three pages that could serve as "about me" pages. (If you're a writer, or feeling generous with your time, let me know if you're interested in helping me condense all those thoughts into one "about" page - with a clever title. I like clever.)
Anyway, I am hoping to actually DO something with this blog. I have big plans for my crafting...and my cooking. And the bulk of my crafting will come from knitting.
That is all.
For now.